The Service

Our role is to provide the service that you wish to have

Personalised and Meaningful

At Dempsey & Forrest we recognize the importance of personalised and meaningful ceremonies that reflect the unique spirit and essence of the departed.

Our professional and caring staff are committed to guiding you through every step of the funeral planning process, ensuring that your wishes and those of your loved one are met with the utmost respect and sensitivity.

Dempsey & Forrest have been helping people at their time of bereavement for over 90 years.
208 Guyton Street,
Whanganui 4500
(06) 349 0202
(Available 24/7)

Office Hours

Mon-Fri : 8.30am–5.00pm
Available 24 hours by phone


Our commitment

is to ensure we provide high quality professional and personalised service to meet all your individual needs.