About Us

Proud to be a Whanganui based, family-owned business, who have been helping other families for over 90 years.

Our Profile

Dempsey & Forrest Funeral Directors have assisted families in Wanganui at their time of bereavement since 1930. The Company is 100% family owned and operated by James & Melanie Forrest.

Jim and Diane Forrest purchased Dempsey and Sons in 1974 from Alec and Jack Dempsey. Alec continued to work in the business alongside Jim and Diane until 1981. Following in the footsteps of his grandfather & father, James started his funeral directing career in 1988 making it a 3rd generation family tradition of caring for families.

James is a fully qualified funeral director and holds a National Diploma in Funeral Directing.

With nearly 100 years of experience in serving our community, Dempsey & Forrest have established a reputation for providing exceptional funeral services tailored to meet the diverse needs and cultural traditions of families. Whether you prefer a traditional funeral, tangihanga, a memorial service, or a celebration of life, we offer a range of options to accommodate your preferences, ensuring a meaningful and healing experience for all who attend.


James and Melanie, with their children

Dempsey & Forrest have been helping people at their time of bereavement for over 90 years.
208 Guyton Street,
Whanganui 4500
(06) 349 0202
(Available 24/7)

Office Hours

Mon-Fri : 8.30am–5.00pm
Available 24 hours by phone


Our commitment

is to ensure we provide high quality professional and personalised service to meet all your individual needs.