Arranging a Funeral

Our role is to provide the service that you wish to have.

What to do first

There are few services you will need that are as sensitive or as personal as those provided by Dempsey & Forrest. We know the passing of a family member or someone close is very distressing, and we are here to support you and gently guide you through the funeral arrangement.

  • If no prior arrangements regarding the funeral have been made and the deceased’s wishes are unknown, there are some major decisions that need to be made. Our job is to help you make them.

  • We have been providing our specialised service for many years and we understand everyone is unique – so no two funerals will be the same. Our professional staff can be of great help at such a difficult time. All denominations are respected, and every financial circumstance is catered for. At every instance the wishes of the family are paramount.

  • Our role is to provide a style of service that individual families ask for.

Dempsey & Forrest
Here to help when you need us

Dempsey & Forrest have been helping people at their time of bereavement for over 90 years.
208 Guyton Street,
Whanganui 4500
(06) 349 0202
(Available 24/7)

Office Hours

Mon-Fri : 8.30am–5.00pm
Available 24 hours by phone


Our commitment

is to ensure we provide high quality professional and personalised service to meet all your individual needs.